Mission, Strategy & Strands

💫 Mission

<aside> 💫 The mission of the Humanity’s Transition Participation Program is to help people consciously participate in Humanity’s Transition.


Humanity’s Transition” is the term we use to refer to the next in a series of four or five previous fundamental transitions during homo sapiens’ 200,000 year history. The previous ones have been transformative: the next may not.

[The project is currently a part-time activity of one person (Alex Goodall) - despite the use of us, we and our.]

💡 Program Strategy

Our approach to fulfilling our mission is by providing support for education, development and participation. This will be effected through two Programs

Program 1:

🏛️ Relevant Education

<aside> <img src="/icons/forward_red.svg" alt="/icons/forward_red.svg" width="40px" /> “The knowing that we need to consciously participate in
Humanity’s Transition”


Partly, this is about what we need to know - developing informed perspectives on the key issues related to Humanity’s Transition. This addresses the educational component of our strategy*.*

But more importantly it’s about how we need to know; knowing in new ways*;* having our fundamental assumptions challenged at all levels. This addresses the developmental component of our strategy.

The material will be designed to be accessible to all age ranges, from 16 years and older.

Program 2:

🌐 Humanity’s Transition Portal

<aside> <img src="/icons/forward_red.svg" alt="/icons/forward_red.svg" width="40px" /> “Where, how and with whom we can consciously participate in Humanity’s Transition”


This portal (currently implemented, with partial functionality and content, as The Liminal learning Portal) will provide information about and links to people and organizations operating in, or adjacent to, the domain of Humanity’s Transition.

It’s primary focus will be to support and facilitate participation though a variety of mechanisms.

By its nature, it will also provide sources for continuing education and for additional modes of development.

💡 Operating Principles

The operations of the program will be driven by three related principles, and a fourth principle. The three related principles are scalability, collaboration and non-alignment. The fourth is evolution.


Scalability is an obvious strategy, but it includes some nuances. Alongside aiming to scale globally, we will aim also to scale culturally and demographically. One approach to scaling is to seek Collaboration.


This is a means to improve scalability in both senses, and also to add to the resources available. The goal is not to have vast resources working under the organizational banner of Humanity’s Transition, but rather to seek to collaborate with others whose goals and principles are aligned, closely enough, with ours.

Our choice of potential collaboration partners will reflect our principle of Non-Alignment.


There are two angles to this.

The first is that we should encompass a reasonably wide range of ideologies and -isms and not be aligned exclusively with any one (although there will inevitably be an inherent metamodern bias).

The second angle is branding non-alignment. The goal is not, de facto, ****to create and exclusively promote the Humanity’s Transition Participation Program brand as a “movement”. Instead, it is to work with multiple organizations/groups/individuals (and their brands or names), through scalability and collaboration.